HETTYPreschoolHoole, Chester

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Snack time at HETTY

Just to let you know we have made some changes to the way children have snack.

We have introduced ‘rolling snack’. Meaning between 9.45-11.00 & 1.30-2.30 children can come and help themselves to a healthy snack and a drink.

This helps to promote independence and it is a fantastic tool in helping us to develop the children’s social, communication and language skills.

A member of staff is continuously at the snack table supporting the children if needed. We have introduced name /photo cards that the children have to remove from a board, this way we can ensure that all children are accessing the snack table and having a healthy snack and drink.

Furthermore, a drink station is still set up as before, whereby a child can help themselves to a fresh drink of water continuously throughout the day.